This water purification configuration project showcases Codespace's ability to deliver complex projects using leading edge technology
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Elga Lab Water (part of Veolia Water Technologies) supplies water purification systems for analytical research and life sciences customers worldwide. Elga approached us with a project to create a more consistent sales experience for channel partners (re-sellers) and end customers of its PURELAB Chorus range of water purification systems.
The project had four main components:
1. Develop a sales app for Elga’s channel partners to enable them to send system configurations directly.
2. The sales app should allow channel partners to work offline on tablet devices while visiting customers and then enable them to upload their system configurations afterwards.
3. Develop a retail app for end customers to enable them to submit system configurations themselves directly.
4. Develop a central admin area for Elga staff so that they can view contacts and system configurations received from the retail and sales apps and progress them to a sale.
Using HTML5 local storage means the application can be run in environments with no internet connectivity and that it is also compatible with a broad range of platforms including PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, Android devices and Blackberry phones. This approach meant we could avoid the drawbacks of developing numerous platform-specific apps.’
James Harrington, Managing Director, Codespace